“The apple threw our half-baked fears, like a wooden shoe in the windmill gears. The turning stopped, and we clearly saw the flaws in that which finds the flaw.” – Aaron Weiss from mewithoutYou
Those things are crazy. Suffering from a grander and more eternal version of the Santa Claus promise, religious people have bridged the gap between life and death with an infinite candy rainbow called heaven. They sit on their thrones built of hopes and dreams and fear and Pharisitic pomposity, a pedestal that can be knocked over only by the force of actual reality, or the brainpower required to see it. They are scared children who have walled away the enemy of reason and, upon that wall, have painted a picture of what they wish was there instead. To find out they are wrong is unacceptable, because that would make them wrong. And nobody’s wrong. Not if they can say “I’m right!” louder than you, anyway. And so yells the chorus of every religious community chanting their beliefs in a mass reaffirmation of their own volumes. Or more accurately, a mass quelling of insecurities, because they all on some level know that if they doubt, they’ll see, and then they’ll be wrong. And nobody’s wrong.
In fact, some people are SO not wrong that they need everyone they know that they're the rightest. In a universe-sized act of brown nosing, these humble pets of God beg and beg and roll over and shake hands for their treat, or maybe just the table scraps of heaven. To them it's a strategy, one where good deeds are performed in exchange for Heaven Points, and if they acquire enough before death, they'll pass through the shining gates. And when called out, they deny it so loudly that their idiocy is drowned right out, at least to them. It's the kind of scum that would rather die than admit to a fallacy in their belief systems. They're falling off the edge of religion right into their own stupidity.
I have good news for these people. There is no hell. They can stop pretending to love the homeless. They can save their nickels and dimes for the diamond studs around their Bentley steering wheels instead of writing checks of money they’ll never see to invisible charities which they’ll never know the effects of. They are free to be human beings, not puppet zombies carried around to feed off the damned blood of the heathen race until everyone in sight has their own fear buried under a crown of thorns.
I can argue for days with any Evangelist with his head in the clouds, purely for sport and entertainment (because you can’t mold a rock no matter how hard you try). It’s amusing what ridiculous lengths they go to in order to grapple for justifications for their joke of a life. For example, trying to respond to simple questions that have simple answers such as “Why a middle ground between Creation and Afterlife?” “Why was God so wildly active for about a thousand years there and then took a sudden backseat?” And for the progressive, “Who was the first person to barely eke their way over the evolutionary line separating ape and man, and therefore get to go to heaven or hell?”
But you can’t argue with faith. Faith has a slippery way of slithering out of any corner it’s placed in. Citing that no one can possibly understand the works of God is, to a person of faith, an acceptable response to anything that requires more than reason to answer. It's like watching a little kid who just lost a soccer game refuse to accept his failure by demanding victory with all the power vested in his tear ducts and vocal cords. Myself, I would rather die than admit to religion. Faith is wrong. It will always be a plague on humanity, and all I can hope for is that it will successfully kill off all those who are infected, so they can rot in the heavens they worked so hard for. End.
I'll say that lot of heavily religious people quite often say and do some dumb things. But one thing that is certainly dumber and more counterproductive (to any kind of development, on a social or a personal level) is one who despises it in its entirety. This piece was a caricature of a personality that I hate, but I know people who, to some extent, are like what you just read, and it's disturbing to see how moronic and hypocritical and close minded and strictly logical they are (not sarcasm), so I wanted to point that out.
In short, extremism is bad. Embrace ideas (but don't hide in them, either).
Classic Brian strongly agrees.