Sunday, August 22, 2010

LOL Conor's Post

Haha. Oh man. I'm talking to Springfield friends who are having a (so far) listless experience in college, who are having trouble finding friends, or who are hiding in their own pre-existing friendships. I'm reading posts regarding being absolutely terrified about college and new life.

You children.

I'm having the time of my life, and all of your weak little struggles only indulge me even more than I can do so for myself with my many new friends and my infamous charm and charisma. In the 5 days I've been here, I've made a close-knit group of 7-10 friends who I feel like I've known for a year. Every day feels like three, but never dull or inactive. We've torn up a brocal club dressed as ubernerds, partied at Target, and transformed ourselves into the most brobnoxious bros and brahs on campus as the fresh new group DMFAbrO. We are college's next big thing.

But seriously, for anyone who hasn't left yet, college is nothing. Things will be fine. You'll get along with your roommate, you'll make friends of all genders, and you'll become almost entirely self-sufficient without much internal struggle or homesickness. Unless you're not me. Then I can't promise any of those things. There's a good chance you'll end up realizing all your fears of loneliness, rejection, and failure. But maybe not.

But seriously seriously, I can't promise that everyone's experience will be as good as mine is so far. Mizzou is a great school with a lot of opportunities for clean fun, and a big school is a perfect fit for me (plus, it helps that classes haven't started yet). But college can be really fun, and there's no reason to believe that it can't be great for you (if you're not there already). It's a great chance to start over with no rules or standing social judgments. The potential for success is far-reaching and very reachable.

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