Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Novelty Has Already Worn Off

College was this big deal when we got here and for the months leading up to our arrival. We were all nervous and apprehensive and stressed out about all the preparation. Everyone was concerned about how the responsibility and workload might affect them. It was mind blowing to be living on our COLLEGE! For like...2 days.

It dawned on me today that it really is no longer weird to live like this. Everything's kind of fallen into routine, just like it did in Springfield. Granted, it's a much more exciting routine. And that's not to say that there isn't variety. It IS college after all. But it's a routine nonetheless, and I enjoy it. My classes for this semester are all required and are nothing special or terribly exciting, but I just enjoy the whole sort of block schedule thing much more than our high school system. I've adapted to the fact that homework is rarely due the next day, and no teacher is going to be there to hold your hand if you don't understand something. Not to say that there isn't help available (TAs have office hours and tutoring is available), but you have to man the fuck up and take initiative here if you want to thrive and succeed. Make an effort to stand out or fade into the woodwork. The choice is always yours here. And although that isn't always an easy concept for us to grasp, I fucking like that.

There are so many opportunities here. For instance, I tried out for a comedy group called Fishing With Dynamite, and although I didn't end up making the cut, I'm still glad I tried it because I had fun with it and it made me realize that sketch comedy isn't really for me. Also, all the Springfield people there were way funnier than the senior group members. They sucked. However, on a better note, I joined this group called The Illini Media Street Team. Basically, companies hire us to promote their products. This entails me getting a lot of free shit (or "swag" as it's apparently called here) and yelling at random people walking by about how awesome the shit I'm selling is. I get to help run tailgate in the upcoming football game, and guess what motherfuckers, I get free Famous Dave's. I'm excited to see what else I can be a part of here.

I saw my family today for the first time since I've been here, and it was nice. I miss them, but I can't really say I'm homesick. This is my home now. That isn't to say I won't go back to Springfield and visit, because I will and I'll enjoy it, but I don't have a burning need to do so.
I'm glad everything has fallen into its place.

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